Adobe CS, Photoshop, Fireworks, After Effects, Freehand, Illustrator, PowerPoint, Acrobat, QuarkXpress, Flash, Action Script, Dreamweaver, GoLive, Graphics optimization, Color separation / Pre-press, PDF, Dynamic content, hand coding HTML, Firey print servers, Iris, E-stat, High volume cutters, die-cut, press operation
3D printing, MakerBot, Prusa i3, Ultimaker, Cura, Repetier Host, CNC router, PCB Milling, Soldering, Laser Cutters, Full Spectrum Laser, Sewing/Embroidery Machine, Vinyl Cutter, Welding Machine, Master Woodworker, Plastic and Acrylic work, Power Tools.
Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Contribute, Photoshop, After Effects, GoLive, InDesign, Quicktime, Real Networks, Squel Server, Oracle, HTML, DHTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Asp, Java, CGI, Action Script, Visual Basic, SSH, FTP, DNS, SQL, Python
Was recruited to tutor fellow students on computer related graphics such as Photoshop, Macromedia Director, 3D Studio Max, and HTML basics. Recognizing the pivotal role computers were taking, in the print and emerging web fields, I pushed to take more computer related classes. This push led to a change in the required credits for the Visual Communications degree.
I created and developed a low cost robotics platform called Hack-E-Bot designed to follow First Robotics standards and be accessible to low income families. Was flown to the corporate headquarters of Lockheed Martin to run robotics workshops for the senior engineering staff and Vice President. Personally invited to meet with the White House Office of Science and Technology along with 200 other members of the Maker community around the United States. This meeting resulted in the formation of the Nation of Makers of which I am a contributing member. Worked with Intel and ARM to create interactive hardware demonstrations for the Bay Aria Maker Faire. Creative adviser to the Seattle Mini Maker Faire for two years. Design and creation of the IOT Workshop exhibit at the Living Computers Museum. Working with Adafruit to develop tutorials, curriculum and professional development using low price and highly diverse electronics hardware.
18+ years of desktop / help desk experience as a computer technician, Macintosh and PC specialist. I feel right at home setting up servers and installing/maintaining APIs, WiKi, SQL databases, and other critical web services. Experienced at maintaining devices as part of a machine to machine, Internet Of Things, distributed network.
Track record of identifying deficiencies, then making software / hardware improvements and suggestions that have saved thousands of dollars in salaries and expenses. My ability to quickly assess and adapt to any situation has been referred to as MacGyver like in nature. This skill has been tested many times while hosting and supporting many live demos, lectures, hackathons, and workshops.
Skilled, customer-oriented communicator who can interact with all levels of technicians, programmers, engineers, business executives, and even high-profile clientele. Articulate and exceptional written documentation and verbal presentation capability.
Self-motivated worker with a steep learning curve. Always eager to learn new things, willing to step up and help out wherever needed, always happy to do “grunt” work if needed and not afraid to get hands dirty.
Extensive experience with relevant software and equipment. Advanced knowledge of Adobe, Microsoft, Arduino, and Autodesk products. Analytical problem solver with demonstrated leadership in a team-driven environment, and a proven ability to quickly absorb information and adapt to new environments.
Extensive experience in desktop support, OS migration, planning, deployment, and implementation. Analytical problem solver with demonstrated leadership in a team-driven environment, and a proven ability to quickly absorb information and adapt to new environments.
23+ years of Web / Print development and production dealing with all stages of projects from concept to execution. Highly experienced with using WordPress for front and back end integration of event tracking, registration, member access, payment processing, asset tracking, workflow tracking, and setting up a WiKi for documentation. Used to working in a fast paced environment either independently or as part of a team.
From customer facing product support to extensive testing and new product deployment, this position has tapped into my abilities for customer service, technical writing, resource management, hardware testing, and working within the manufacturing and supply chain. It is fast paced and challenging, but that is what I enjoy most about the job. I have also been tapped for my on-screen experience to host a few product and informational videos.
Developer, Maker, and Python programmer for Microsoft’s Education Workshop developing Hacking STEM. I was added to this team towards the end of the projects initial deployment to create an application for interacting with a Raspberry Pi equipped with sensors to monitor a small garden. This involved creating a file management system to handle data logging and to pass information to Microsoft Excel add-in for real time data visualisation.
Due to the nature of the sensors used, I created a method for smoothing data that drastically reduced errors from noise. This would allow for better visualisation and create data that is easier for machine learning algorithms to process later on.
I have worked with Adafruit for some time creating guides for them as well as having them support much of the STEM/STEAM work that I do. In November I began working with Adafruit as a paid contractor creating learning guides to help support CuircuitPython and hardwear like the PyPortal. While doing this I have helped with the development of the CircuitPython libraries and documentation to ensure that the code is accessible and aligns with coding best practices.
Working with the EdTech Coordinator to advise on fabrication tools, electronics platforms, and provide professional development for educators to help get the most from their Makerspace. As part of this ongoing effort, I developed hardware that was manufactured to support a student summit on IOT. I also created and taught for the technical side of this summit as well.
As part of the educational team, I help to create workshops and classes that get visitors involved in programming and hardware development. My focus is on helping educators understand the fundamentals of analog electronics, Arduino based microcontrollers, the Internet of Things (IOT), robotics, wearable tech, and PCB design.
Additionally, I help the museum curators with exhibits that aim to spark conversations relevant to modern and emerging technology and how it impacts our society.
- Research and development of critical electronics platforms that would best support the mission of computer science education.
- Development of projects, curriculum and technical support steps for workshops, field trips, and exhibits.
- Instructor for workshops and field trips centered around electronic hardware and computer science standards with students ranging from 6 years old to adult professionals.
- Providing fabrication, maintenance, and training services for the onsite machine shop.
- Hosting live demos and public lectures that showcase technology and its impact on our society. Topics include: Big Data, Cloud Computing, IOT, Machine Learning (AI), Computer Vision, Cyber Security, Intellectual Property Rights, Automation, Autonomous Vehicles, Transhumanism, Assistive technology, and Human interaction with Robotics.
I worked as part of a team to design and build engaging exhibits and workshops for Intel and ARM. Work was also done as an educational hardware developer, educator, and consultant.
Once per year I am asked to consult on electronics hardware and teach students about modern prototyping technology. This is part of a two week workshop where students fly to Seattle and work to create a proof-of-concept for a manufacturable product.
This typically involves teaching students how to write code for hardware, helping them get the most out of rapid manufacturing tools, and lectures on modern manufacturing techniques.
My extensive experience with branding and communications standards has helped to create a polished image for organizations that focus on educational outreach programs like The Technology Access Foundation (TAF). Most of my time was spent on research and development of electronics hardware to be used in workshops, classes, and professional development. I regularly interacted with suppliers to coordinate with shipments for delivery on tight deadlines. Working with clients, instructors, and educators, I help to ascertain what the needs are, and ensure that they are met.
- Managing the operation, maintenance, and training of staff for the onsite machine and fabrication shop. This included: a large format CNC Router, Industrial Laser Cutter, 3D Printer farm, welding equipment, PCB fabrication CNC, a fully stocked wood shop, electronics shop, and industrial sewing machines.
- Responsible for creating and maintaining organizational portal for tracking of projects, invoicing, membership, and scheduling. This was done using tools like Trello, Google Drive, and self hosted WordPress as a customer facing UI.
- Project manager for several high profile clients like Puzzle Break, Ubisoft, Intel, and the China State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA).
- Part of the key social media effort that boosted SoDo Makerspace to the most recognized name within the Seattle Maker community.
- Represented the Maker community through active participation in events like the Seattle and Portland Mini Maker Faire, the Bay Area Maker Faire, the White House office of Science and Technology, Lockheed Martin, the NASA hackathon, and many events for Intel.
As part of the Knowable and Operations team my responsibilities included writing technical documents and processing device images for interactive simulation scenarios. In addition I aided in the development of tools, creation of authoring standards, and peer mentoring of fellow team members.
- Helped our team raise productivity through being a peer mentor.
- Took photos of new devices and edited images for online publication.
- Upholding publishing standards and guidelines according to project requirements
- Developing tools to aid in productivity such as device emulators and project management applications.
Primary responsibilities consisted mainly of filling out and filing financial reports and dealing with critical errors with the computerized accounting system. Provided technical support for the both of the Downtown Seattle offices.
- Data analysis of daily reports.
- Assist users with all hardware and software related problems.
- Build and maintain images for workstations and some servers.
- Manage, setup all workstation and user moves.
- Support all Microsoft Office Suite and operating systems.
Worked with the staff and management to bring all computer hardware and software up to date. Orchestrated the database migration from FileMaker to Oracle. Implemented an office wide secure network including off site access to the new Oracle Database. Design and development of web applications and user interface.
- Assessing the technical needs of the staff.
- Provided support and administration in active directory and Oracle.
- Built and distributed machines.
- Creating dynamic content-driven Web Applications using Macromedia Flash, Action Script and Oracle.
- Corporate branding and design of company web site.
The Creative Group is a placement agency for graphic artists and provided a wide range of freelance and consulting opportunities at large companies with a fluctuating workload. Due to extensive web development experience, most work was web related.
- Assemblage and production of web media and artwork according to designer specs, template, and branding guidelines.
- QA, optimization of graphics, updates, and media changes on both live and developing web sites.
- Managing multiple clients and jobs in a high turnover / high stress environment.
- Extensive knowledge with relevant software. Adobe, Macromedia, Microsoft Office, QuarkXpress, FileMaker Pro, Action Script, HTML, Java, Visual Basic, CGI Script, Oracle, Sequel.
- Quick to learn new or proprietary software.
- Excellent problem detection and resolution skills.
Responsible for creating and implementing templates and standards for all of the company web sites. Working with a large team of design and technical staff. Served as the go-between for the CEO, design, and technical teams. Constantly striving to increase productivity for both departments.
- Worked with programmers, other designers, and market analysts to create first class web sites for various different venders.
- Worked with data engineers to execute several data driven web sites and web applications.
- Implemented a method of printing dynamic content onto promotional materials and brochures.
- Created CMS solutions for users with very little internet training.
- Managed a team of programmers and designers.
- Consulted with network administrators to maintain network security and increase network efficiency.
- Worked on User Interface, product testing, and rollout of scalable, proprietary system that substantially increased productivity while virtually eliminating data entry errors.
Residential DSL and dial-up technical support. Gained experience with servers and UNIX programming. Provided technical support for difficult calls from both customers and Covad Technicians.
- Resolving conflicts and paving the way for smooth installations.
- Help start a Macintosh Support team.
- Implemented call tracking software on all incoming support requests to save hundreds of man-hours and drastically improved the company’s ability to identify and classify problems.
Web designer in the Production department. Responsible for building web sites and streamlining proprietary software to more efficiently generate web sites. Assigned to a production team that created bulk sites for new manufacturers.
- Optimized graphics for web sites.
- Used companies’ proprietary system to swiftly create web sites on demand.
- Creating new UNIX accounts using SSH.
- Managed many live sites on servers.
- Helped to streamline proprietary software to increase productivity and eliminate errors for manufacturers’ sites.
- Gained extensive experience with Flash Action Script.