My Internet of things

Last night I learning about API interactions with the Spark Core. It is actually rather easy once you see how it is implemented. I now have a working app that will let me turn our living room light on or off and show the current status.

Now I just need to secure the code and build an app. I will also be adding a temperature sensor and a servo to the module so I can turn the apartment heat up or down remotely.

Introducing the Photon.

Oh, a new Wi-Fi chip coming soon for $19???

Spark just started pre sales for the new Spark Photon. This an Arduino like micro controller with built-in Wi-Fi. I have 3 of the Spark Cores and I love them, at $39 a pop, but this new chip is more powerful and HALF the price!!!

The down side is that they don’t ship until March 🙁

I2C protocol for LED matrix

Wow this will come in handy when I get around to configuring the Imp to send I2C commands to the Adafruit 8×8 LED matrix backpack. Hopefully I can map the LED addresses easily so I can make an icon library to drive the matrix. Continue reading I2C protocol for LED matrix

Electric Imp project.

I am working on using the Electric Imp I got from Adafruit to make a WiFi enabled Emoticon avatar. Basically it will receive code from a website and display the icon for that code on a small 8×8 LED matrix accompanied by a notification sound. This will also provide feedback through a button on the avatar to acknowledge the emoticon, and a motion detector to tell when someone is near the avatar.

Continue reading Electric Imp project.