Category: Uncategorized
Pods issues
I have used for easy handling of custom post types for WordPress. It makes it easy for other users to change how the content is displayed and create new post types by using a fairly well designed GUI. I can edit the page templates from the Pods Admin dashboard and I don’t get confusing looks when I try and explain the fundamentals of the register_post_type() function.
All in all, Pods has just made it easy for me to customize WordPress and make it easy for a basic user to maintain. However, they have started to get a bit sloppy with documentation for the last few updates. This came as a shock to me when suddenly the educational content on my Hack-E-Bot website was not showing up correctly.
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i2c bus error with LED marix on RasPi
This is mostly for myself but I figured I would post it here as well. After putting together and setting up my new 8×8 bi-color LED matrix and i2c control PCB from Adafruit, I got a script error saying “Error accessing 0x70: Check your I2C address”. When I run sudo i2cdetect -y 0, I get nothing, but the matrix is detected when I run sudo i2cdetect -y 1.